Product Description
If you want to contact with one of the leading membrane filtration system manufacturers and suppliers in China, equipped with one productive microfiltration membrane, ultrafiltration membrane factory, Wuxi Sundry Engineering Co.,Ltd is always at your service.Product IntroductionMembrane reverse osmosis technology is the use of natural or artificially selective membrane, via external energy or chemical unit,with function of solvent and solute separation, grading, purification and concentration.Product Features1. low energy consumption. Membrane separation does not involve a phase change,compared with distillation, crystallization and evaporation, low energy requirements;2. separation under mild conditions, it is important for the separation of heat-sensitive substances;3. Easy operation, compact structure, low maintenance costs and ease of automation.Product PrincipleIn the membrane separation process, membrane having a selective permeability, when some kind of driving force across the membrane (e.g., pressure difference, concentration difference, potential poor), the component at the feed side of the selective permeable membrane to achieve separation and purification. through the porous membrane having pore model, pore diffusion model, the preferential adsorption - capillary flow model; mainly by dissolving non-porous film - diffusion model. Thus films of different membrane processes use different, different drivers, the transfer mechanism is different.Membrane separation and materialsMicrofiltration: nitrate / cellulose acetate, polyvinyl fluoride, polypropylene, Ultra filtration: polysulfone, cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate, Nano filtration: polyelectrolyte + polyamide, polyether sulfone;Reverse osmosis membrane: cellulose acetate derivatives, polyamide .Product ApplicationsWhey protein ultra filtration ,concentration, microfiltrationPlasma membrane ultra filtration ,concentrationDesalination Reverse osmosis membraneEnzyme Ceramic membrane ultra filtration