Dagongda 8% beta-cypermethrin wettable powder offers broad-spectrum control of hygiene pests, including mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches in interior and exterior environment.
As a classic and well-known product of Gongcheng Chemical, Dagongda 8% beta-cypermethrin wettable powder offers satisfied contact and oral toxicity against target pests. It is suitable for conventional residual spaying and its long term effect could last 3 months. The product is suitable for application on the surface of wood, brick, cement and lime wall owing to the innovated micro-particle technology. Dagongda 8% beta-cypermethrin wettable powder is environment-friendly and no unpleasant-smelling. It can be applied in the kitchen, restaurant, hospital zoo, etc.
Application Instructions
Indoor and outdoor residual spraying. Mixing the product according to the label and application must be on the target area of pests staying surface including wall, ground, door and window. The treated surface should be fully absorbed insecticide solution in application. The volume should be increased when the dry and rough surface is treated.