Visitors can easily call and talk to the residents through the access control telephone in front of the unit door downstairs. The residents can control the opening and closing of the unit door indoors. The host computer of the community can receive the alarm signal of the residents at any time and send it to the indoor telephone to notify the users. The system not only enhances the security work of the high-rise residential building, but also greatly facilitates the residents and reduces many unnecessary trouble of going up and down the stairs.
The audio door telephone extension is a kind of intercom, which is generally used to talk to the host computer. However, the current Huhutong building intercom system is combined with the host computer to form an internal telephone system that can complete the telephone contact of individual users in the system. It is divided into visual extension and non-visual extension. It has the electric lock control function and monitoring function, and is generally installed at the door of the user's home, which is mainly convenient for the residents to talk with the visitors.
The main function of UPS power supply is to keep the building intercom system from power failure. Under normal conditions, it is in the state of charging. When the power is cut off, the UPS power supply is in the state of supplying power to the system. At present, the manufacturer of the building intercom system is generally different from the UPS battery. The main reason is that the power consumption of the visual system is too large, and the general small-capacity UPS battery can not guarantee the use time!
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