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Habbatus Sauda Black Seed Drink

Update time:2022-02-03 08:09:50
Price:$ 5 - $ 10 / Carton
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Basic Info

Brand NameRILADosage FormPowderFunctionProviding Energy
Place of OriginMalaysiaTypeOther

Product Description

Product Description


Product : Habbatus Sauda Energy Drink

Packing : 200grams

Ingredient : Black Seed, Honey, Sugar



Habbatus Sauda Black Seed Drink



Black seed is a small shrub growing to a height of 8-12”, slightly bushy but delicately with white-whitish blue flowers, native of the Middle East and the Mediterranean used both as a medicine and as spice in food preparation.


It is one of the most powerful medicinal plants known to man to treat various ailments such as stones, bronchitis, stomach problem, worm, acne, menstrual in women, stimulate mother breast milk, immune system etc.


Black Seed Various names 


Botanical Name or Latin name of Black Seed is Nigella sativa is also commonly referred to as black cumin, black seed oil, Kalonjii, Roman-coriander, fennel-flower, black onion seed, black caraway, black sesame seed, also known as Blessed Seed, Herb from Heaven,


Such popular that it's also called by different names in various languages, Arab: Al Habbatus Sauda’ (Habbatul Mubarokah, Kaum Sawa); Indonesia: Jintan Hitam Arabika; English: Black Cumin; Rusia: Chamuska; India: Karun Jiragam; and Turki: Corekatu Siyah. The plant is recognized by its visible flower, usually colored pale blue and white, with 5 to 10 petals.


The fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of 3 to 7 united follicles, each containing numerous seeds


Black seed in Islamic medicine


Black seed is popular and one of the distinguishing herbal remedy in Islam. Due to its many uses it has been given the Arabic term of “Habbatul barakah,” meaning ‘the seed of blessing.’


Habbatus sauda, as it is known in Arabic, recommended for use some 1400 years ago by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) through the famous saying:


It was related by Abu Huraira r.a. that the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) said, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except Al Saam." Aisha asked: "What is Al Saam?" He (prayers and peace be upon him) answered: "Death" (Hadis narrated by Al-Muslim).


In another version of the the Prophet Muhammad (saw) saying:


"This black cumin is healing for all diseases except death". ( in Sahih Bukhari: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489)


Ibnu Sina in his famous book "Canon of Medicine" stated that Habbatus sauda "stimulates body’s energy and helps in recovery from fatigue and low spirits and uplift spirit."


Ibnul Qayyim in his book "Medicine of the Prophet" stated that Habbatus sauda capabled to cure about 50 ailments such as stones, bronchitis, stomach problem, worm,acne, menstrual in women, stimulates mother's breast milk, increase saliva, immune system etc.




The book mentioned about the studies that had been carried out on Nigella sativa and the results of the studies indicate that the following medical benefits can be derived from taking Nigella sativa:


1. Gout


To assist in the removal of uric acid from the body to prevent gout.


2. Asthma


The substance "Nigellon", which is found in Nigella sativa helps to reduce difficulties in breathing and asthma attack.


It can also help patients to handle bronchitic problems.


3. Flu (Influenza)


It can get rid of Flu.


4. High Blood Pressure


It can help patients with high blood pressure by bringing down the pressure. 5. Allergies


The substance "Nigellon" in Nigella sativa can reduce the production of "Histamine" and other substances which responsible for causing allergy.


6. Production of Bile


The substances "Carbonil" and "Thymoquinone" found in Nigella sativa have the capacity to increase the removal of bile from the gallbladder to prevent the formation of gallstones.


7. Increase in Production of Breast Milk


It increases the production of breast milk. Fat and hormone combined with black seed help improve milk production for breastfeeding mother, as well as increase body tone and the menstrual period,


8. Thrombosis


It helps with the process of thrombosis inside and external side of the body, ensuring that clotting of blood happens quickly to prevent further loss of blood from the injured parts of the body.


It also controls fibrin to prevent excessive coagulation of blood and to ensure smooth flow of blood in the arteries and veins.


9. Increased Immune System


It increases the body's immune system to protect the body against dangerous bacteria, virus and cancer cells.




Black seed white color


10 Respiratory System


One of the black seed’s most popular and effective is the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism and cold symptoms.


11. AntiCancer


Several of the studies have shown that black cumin seed extract could assist individuals with autoimmune disorders, and could possibly help to fight cancer.


One recent study on black cumin seed oil demonstrated that it was effective against pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest and most difficult to treat cancers.


12.Anti Tumor


The seeds are very effective in curing abscesses and tumors of the eye, abdomen and liver, probably due in great part to the anti-tumor compound beta-sitosterol found in the seeds.


13. Anti-Bacteria


Nigella sativa is active and effective in the destruction of bacteria like E-coli, V cholera, dan species Shigella. salmonella, "Strep.Fecalis" and "Bacillus subtilis." help to heal diarrhea and stomach ache




Nigella Sativa can treat diahorrea by killing bacteria like cholera, Shigella and E.Colli.


15. Anti-Diabetes


It can reduce the level of sugar in the blood.


16. Rheumatism/anti-inflammation


The black seed is used as an anti inflammatory substance to treat inflamed tissues of the body. It is anti-rheumatic and also used in the treatment of headaches.


17.Nervous system

Habbatus Sauda Black Seed Drink




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