Asia Pacific Line Limited

Main products: container shipment ,chartering ,custom clearance ,coal ,iron ore

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we buy sea freight for coal transportation

Update time:2022-02-04 07:37:57
Price:$ 20 - $ 20 / Metric Ton
Min Order:10000 Metric Ton / Metric Tons Metric Ton
  • 0 per Month

Basic Info

CarrierBULK VESSELSDepartureRUSSADeparture DayOther
DestinationCHINAShipment TypeNon-Containerised LoadTransit Time (Days)15

Product Description

Product Description

We provide International Shipping - our service covered the general/bulk cargo chartering/brokering, general agency / containerized cargo shipments. The size of vessels are various from Handymax to Panamax size.


Trading Commodities: Coal, Round Logs, Iron Ore, LNG, LPG, Fuel Oil, Steel Scrap, Fertilizers, Cement, Grain, General Cargo, Containers, Trucks, Equipment etc .


The Company always adopts flexible methods of transportation such as Voyage Charter, Time Charter and Brokerage, which meets the demands of domestic and international customers during bulk cargo transportation. With sincerity and mutual benefits, we have been exploiting all kinds of partners with the assistance of domestic and international shipping enterprises and possess a great advantage in ocean shipping of SE Asia, MED Sea,PG, Red Sea.  ASIA PACIFIC LINE can do chartering service on behalf of client to fix vessel, or just a broker for reliable ShipOwners and Charterers.

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  • Asia Pacific Line Limited