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Defatted Soy Protein (Defatted Soy Flour)
Update time:2022-02-07 02:06:54
Min Order:1
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Product Description
Product Description
Defatted soybean protein is made from high-quality, low-denatured soybean, with the process of eliminating germs and offensive smells by microwave, etc. the protein content exceeds 50% , with the functional features of water and oil solubility. It is a protein nutrition enhancer and can be applied in the following fields:
1. In food baking industry to enhance the nutrition content and improve the taste, for example, to process high protein and nutrient bread, biscuit and cake etc.
2. Adding certain percentage of defatted soybean protein to the common flour, such as instant noodles, fine dried noodles, rice-flour noodles, to make high protein and nutrient foods.
3. Adding to the meat sausage, flour sausage, etc. to promote the quality and lower the cost.