Guangxi Qinzhou Capital Success Chemical Co., Ltd.

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Clay for soya bean oil

Update time:2022-02-10 17:45:38
Price:$ 325 - $ 335 / Metric Ton
Min Order:20 Metric Ton / Metric Tons Metric Ton
  • T/T D/P D/A MoneyGram
  • Any port of China
  • 1000 Metric Ton / Metric Tons per Month

Basic Info

Appearancehypo-white powderApplicationrefinement of animal & vegetable oilsBrand NameCapital Success
CAS No.70131-50-9ClassificationOther, bleaching earthMFH2A12(SiO3)4-nH2O
Puritydecolorizing rate: 90% min

Product Description

Product Description

Product Description


Molecular formula: H2A12(SiO3)4-nH2O

CAS code: 70131-50-9

H.S.CODE: 25082000

Constitutional Features

The laminated structure exists between molecules. With a great number of irregular cavities on the surface , it has a large specific surface area.

Physical & Chemical Characteristics

A kind of hypo-white powder, which is odorless, tasteless and non-poisonous, the product has a bulk density of 0.7~1.1g/ml. Having dispersivity, the product feels greasy. It is insoluble to water, organic solvent, and various oils & lipids.

Applications & Rang of Use

  1. In refinement of animal & vegetable oils, used for decolorization and purification to eliminate harmful pigments, flavacol, phospholipid, saponin, gelatine, and cotton acid etc. in the oil, rendering it into top-grade cooking oil.
  2. For decolorization & refinement of industry-used animal & vegetable oils.
  3. In petroleum industry, used for decolorization, refinement and purification of petroleum, grease paraffin, white oil, lubricating oil, Vaseline, and kerosene etc.
  4. For recycling and regeneration of industrial waste oils (including mineral oil, such as machinery oil and lubricating oil etc.)
  5. For decolorization & depuration of resin.
  6. For decolorization & depuration of polyether.
  7. In food industry, used as clarificant for monosodium glutamate vitamin, grape wine, candy juicy, used for stabilizing treatment of beer, and used for purification of sugar juices.
  8. For alkene separation in arene and alkane, cracking of petroleum and alkene polymerization catalyzed.


Specifications of Activated Bleaching earth




Items   of Analysis





For edible oils

For industrial   oils


Decolorizing rate (via the burning oil & asphalt approach)





Activity (naac   approach)





Free acid(H2SO4)





 Water content before leaving factory





Granularity (over 200 mesh)





Filtration rate





Bulk density


0.7 ~ 1.1

0.7 ~ 1.1


heavy metal (as Pb)





arsenic (As)








Packaging & Shipping


The internal bag is polythene film bag while the external bag is polypropylene plastic woven bag; or the internal bag is polythene film bag white the external bag is composite paper bag. Each bag has a net weight of 25kg. The packing can be customized to the customer’s needs.


Shipping should be arranged about 2 or 3 weeks.



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  • Guangxi Qinzhou Capital Success Chemical Co., Ltd.