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Offer Our Organic Fertilizer Technology To Your Country Under License From USA (United States)
Update time:2022-02-10 01:25:32
Min Order:1
7 days
0 per Month
Product Description
Product Description
We seek for one company in each country to own our Organic Growers fertilizer project under license. Our main agricultural formula can not be copied and it works in all soils and all crops. Licensees can make very high profits when doing final blending in their own country with our equipment. We provide the blending equipment, training and send our agronomist to help plus an engineer to set up our equipment. No other equipment needed; Our formulas are good for the environment. Exporting not allowed so each owner has no competition from others in his market because no one else can sell our formulas there. When you do the final blending locally, your liter cost can be as low as $1.29 U. S. Formula in the U. S. Sells for $21.00 per liter. Sell to all farmers not just organic growers. Chemical farmers will reduce pesticides, water and urea or NPK and get even higher yields, more healthy crops, longer shelf life and make more money. Also it improves soil structure; increases nutrients available to plant; enhances seed germination, root structure and growth; promotes stronger stem growth and better cell activity. Farmers get higher yields, increased resistance to frost and drought plus increased pest resistance. Many agro formulas are included in our project plus other natural formulas. Our projects typically owned by smaller companies not in agricultural as the high profit motivates people to into this business. License fees required plus funds to buy formulas. See our web site for details and worldwide crop photos. IMPORTANT: When you reply, give us your country name so we can include profit projections for that country with our Email.