In the event of an emergency in which the Bourdon tube bursts through the overflow hole, the internal pressure will be released to the outside through the overflow hole to prevent the glass panel from bursting. Note: In order to maintain the normal performance of the overflow hole, it is necessary to leave a space of at least 10mm behind the table. The overflow hole cannot be modified or plugged. In addition to standard pointers, other pointers are also optional.
Pressure gauges are instruments that use elastic elements as sensitive elements to measure and indicate higher than ambient pressure. They are widely used in almost all industrial processes and scientific research fields. It can be seen everywhere in fields such as heating pipe networks, oil and gas transmission, water and gas supply systems, vehicle repair and maintenance plants and stores. Especially in the process of industrial process control and technical measurement, mechanical pressure gauges have been widely used due to their high mechanical strength and convenient production characteristics as elastic sensing elements.
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Yuyao Jinshan Yuan Instrument Co., Ltd.