When choosing hiking shoes, the first thing to do is to ensure that the size is appropriate. The baby's feet develop rapidly, so it is recommended to regularly measure their foot length and leave appropriate growth space when choosing. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can affect a baby's walking and foot development. The material of walking shoes should be soft, breathable, and comfortable to reduce irritation to the baby's delicate skin. Priority should be given to natural leather or breathable mesh materials to keep babies dry and comfortable while walking.
The sole of the walking shoes should have anti slip function to ensure the safety of the baby during walking. At the same time, the sole of the shoe should be thin and flexible, so that the baby can feel the changes in the ground and cultivate a sense of balance. The upper design of walking shoes should be simple and generous, avoiding excessive decoration and constraints. The toe of the shoe should be spacious so that the baby's toes can move freely; The shoe opening should be soft and easy to put on and take off.
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