This specification covers type THHN/THWN/THWN-2 cable with soft annealed copper or AA 8000 series alloy solid or strandedconductor, PVC insulation and nylon jacket , conforming to Standard 83 of Underwriters Laboratories, linc. They meet therequirements of the vW-1 and CT flame test, gasoline and oil resistant,sunlight resistant. UL file No. E210924.
ApplicationTHHN/THWN/THWN-2 are primarily used in conduit and cable trays for services ,feeders and branch circuits in commercial orindustrial applications as specified in the National Electrical Code.THHN is rated at a conductor temperature of 90'c dry, THWNis rated at a conductor temperature of 759 dry or wet, THWN-2 is rated at a conductor temperature of 90'c dry or wet. They arepermitted for 600V application.
Conductors: Soft annealed copper or AA 8000 series alloy.
Sizes 14AWG-1000kcmil: Solid or stranded copper.
Sizes 12AWG-1000kcmil: Solid or stranded AA 8000 series alloy.
Insulation: Flame retardant PVC. Thickness:per UL83.
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