Place of Origin | Brazil |
São Paulo, September 10th, 2010 – Actually the water consumption in residential areas doesn’t have a easy and effective way to manage its consumption, particularly if the hydraulic installations suffers from some kind of disruption or leaking making it hard to detect or detectable just after the prejudice already happened. Also it will ease the evaluation of the levels of water consumption with the values charged.
Thinking about overcome this problems and find a different way so that the consumer would be able to manage its own water consumption the inventor André da Silva Santos developed the project “Water Consumption Manager”. The project its gadget that ends with the water waste caused by leaking by managing it with a low cost, ease operational and maintenance system.
The system manages a sensor and a valve for blocking of water installed at the end of the hydrometer and this can be programmed to set the water consumption with a cycle of 24 hours. If the real consumption got under of what its schedule the system and the display will reset, starting a new water cycle of 24 hours. If the real consumption got beyond the scheduled the manager will activate the valve that closes the tubing, giving a condition for the identification of what could be happening without wasting more water.
This manager assemble many benefits as: avoiding wasting water, environment contribution, user protection against high water charges due leaking, possibility of setting how much water you want to consume per month, and others.
Partnership – Santos is searching partners to help him develop models. “The Idea is that the people have the opportunity to control theirs consume without depend on their own wish of consuming less water. With this project people can consume the much they want to without having a surprise at the end of the month, and after all they will be contributing for a better environment for their sons” Observes the Inventor.
With the patent required in all national territory and PCT André dos Santos Silvais looking for negotiate it or obtain a partnership with the manufactures of electro electronics, investors or entrepreneurs which are interested and wants to start a mass production of it. The technology has the possibility of developing new models like warnings of the water blocker activation by SMS, pre-programmed managers from factories to be installed in situations of action or judicial agreement where the interruption of water supply wouldn’t be any more necessary but set a limit in its supply.
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