Impact of small indentation diameter measurement accuracy: According to the Brinell hardness calculation formula, indentation measurement error has a significant impact on the error of hardness values, so the error of indentation measurement is the main source of error. If the indentation diameter measurement value is too large, the calculated hardness value will be too small, otherwise, the hardness value will be higher than the i1i accuracy value. Based on the formula, It can be concluded that the relative error of the hardness value is twice the relative error of the indentation measurement. In order to reduce the error, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the microscope used to measure the indentation diameter. Secondly, when conditions permit, larger loading forces and larger steel balls should be selected for measurement. Because the larger the diameter of the l+. mark, the smaller the relative error.
Impact of measuring devices: Whether the measuring device is qualified or not, and whether the operation of the measuring device is scientific or not, will cause significant errors. Therefore, it is necessary to use a Brinell hardness tester that has been verified by the metrological department as qualified, has not exceeded the verification period, and has not been damaged. When Brinell hardness testers must be regularly sent to the metrological verification department for periodic verification operations, the indenter should be slowly and smoothly pressed into the sample surface. During the process of applying a load, the tester can be moved or shaken at will.
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