Shandong Houze Industry Co., Ltd.

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Home/Products/Feed Additives/ High Quality Poultry Feed Additive 98% Calcium Formate/

High Quality Poultry Feed Additive 98% Calcium Formate

Update time:2024-10-17 16:05:56
Price:$ 0.8 - $ 0.8 / Kg
Min Order:5000 Kg

Product Description

Calcium formate for construction

In construction, it is mainly used as a rapid setting agent, lubricant, and early strength agent for cement, in building mortar and various types of concrete, which can accelerate the hardening speed of cement and shorten the setting time.

Especially during winter construction, the use of calcium formate can avoid slow setting and quick demolding at low temperatures, allowing cement to increase its strength and be put into use as soon as possible.

Calcium formate for feed

Calcium formate can be used as a feed additive for piglets, which can promote appetite and reduce diarrhea rate.

Adding 1% -1.5% calcium formate to piglet diets can significantly improve the production performance of weaned piglets. According to German research, adding 1.3% calcium formate to weaned piglet diets can improve feed conversion rates by 7% -8%, and adding 0.9% can reduce the occurrence of piglet diarrhea.

Calcium formate for feed is an organic calcium supplement mainly used in animal feed to enhance its nutritional value and promote healthy animal growth. Calcium formate is a white crystalline or powder, odorless, easily soluble in water and ethanol, but insoluble in ether. It contains about 31% calcium and 69% formic acid, thus having both calcium supplementation and acidifying properties.

Calcium formate can help regulate gastrointestinal microbiota issues in farmed animals. Calcium formate can release a small amount of formic acid, thereby helping to stabilize the gastrointestinal environment.

Good use of feed grade calcium formate can help animals reduce their own acid production burden, improve the digestion rate of feed nutrients, and also regulate the creation of a suitable living environment for probiotics, reducing diarrhea during animal feeding.

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